Thursday, March 21, 2013

TPTBT (The Place to Be Tonight): Thursday, March 21

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Matthew Lopez - On Stage from source/record on Vimeo.

Who: The Black Rep
What: The Whipping Man by Matthew Lopez
Where: The Grandel Theatre, 3610 Grandel Square
When: Tonight at 8 through April 13
Why: “Just after the Civil War in Virginia during Passover, a wounded Confederate Officer returns to a ruined plantation to find only two former slaves to care for him. With a new and different social order, the three men must wrestle with the ties that bind them together and the secrets they share. A test of humanity and their Jewish faith.” The play won the 2011 John Gassner New Play Award from the NY Outer Critics Circle and has garnered much critical praise. For more information, visit or call 314-534-3810.

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