Saturday, November 16, 2013

St. Louis classical calendar for the week of November 18, 2013

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The Chamber Project St. Louis presents Dream, featuring works by Bridge, Bunch, Ravel and Bruch, on Wednesday, November 20, at 7:30 PM in the Goldberg Formal Lounge of the Danforth University Center, 1 Brookings Dr. on the Washington University campus. For more information:

The Kingsbury Ensemble
The Kingsbury Ensemble presents The Art of the Chalumeau on Saturday, November 23, at 7:30 PM. “The Kingsbury Ensemble, Saint Louis's Early Music group on period instruments, is proud to present world renowned clarinetists Eric Hoeprich and Nina Stern in a concert of works for clarinets and strings. They will offer a program of concertos by Telemann, Graupner, Chinzer and Fasch that astound by their virtuosity and inventiveness. A reception will follow the concert.” The performance takes place at Trinity Presbyterian Church, 6800 Washington in University City. For more information:

The St. Louis Classical Guitar Society presents Ana Vidovic in concert on Saturday, November 23, at 8 PM. “Winner of First Prizes in the Fernando Sor Competition in Rome, Italy, and the Francisco Tarrega Competition in Benicasim, Spain. Ana's reputation in Europe led to an invitation to study with Manuel Barrueco at the Peabody Conservatory where she graduated in 2005. Ana has recorded six highly-acclaimed CD's, and been featured in three television documentaries by the eminent Croatian film director Petar Krelja.” The performance takes place at the Ethical Society, 9001 Clayton Road. For more information:

Nina Ferrigno
The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra presents a Pulitzer Series concert on Tuesday, November 19, at 7:30 PM. David Robertson will conduct percussionist William James and pianist Nina Ferrigno in One by John Cage (from 1987), Workers Union by Louis Andriessen (1975), and Rebounds by Xenakis (1988). The performance takes place at the Pultzer Center for the Arts, 3716 Washington. For more information:

The St. Louis Symphony's Young Friends of the Symphony presents Sips and Symphonies on Thursday, November 21, at 7:30 PM. “What is Sips and Symphonies? It is a great way to learn about music in a fun, casual environment. On the third Thursday of each month, we get together at Tavern of Fine Arts to listen to and discuss a piece of music being performed at an upcoming concert at Powell Hall. We will have a different guest moderator each month who will help lead an informal conversation about the music.” A special cocktail is created for each event to accompany the music. The event takes place at The Tavern of Fine Arts, 313 Belt in the Debaliviere Place neighborhood. For more information:

The St. Louis Symphony Youth Orchestra performs Britten's The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra and Arvo Part's Cantus in Memoriam of Benjamin Britten on Sunday, November 24, at 3 PM. The performance takes place at Powell Symphony Hall, 718 North Grand. For more information:

The St. Louis Wind Symphony performs “classical and contemporary woodwind compositions, patriotic marches, show tunes, jazz and more” on Sunday, November 24, at 3:00 PM at the Hettenhausen Center for the Arts, 701 College Road on the McKendree University campus in Alton, IL. For more information:

The Shepley Program of Music and Arts presents an organ recital by William Partridge on Thursday, November 21 at 12:30 PM at Christ Church Cathedral, 1210 Locust. Admission is free. For more information:

The Tavern of Fine Arts presents The Amun Woodwind Quintet in concert on Saturday, November 23, at 8 PM. “The Amun Woodwind Quintet performs music by Malcolm Arnold, Charles Lefebvre, Adrein Barthe, Beethoven, and the world premiere of a new work composed by horn player Edmond John Thomas III. “ The Tavern of Fine Arts is at 313 Belt in the Debaliviere Place neighborhood. For more information:

Third Baptist Church presents a classical organ concert on Friday, November 22, at 12:30 PM as part of its free Friday Pipes series. Third Baptist Church is at 620 N Grand. For more information:

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