Thursday, September 06, 2012

Chuck's Choices for the weekend of September 7, 2012

As always, the choices are purely my personal opinion. Take with a grain (or a shaker) of salt.

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New this week:

R-S Theatrics presents The Adding Machine: A Musical, based on the fantasy drama by Elmer Rice, September 7 - 16. The original Expressionist play has some profound things to say about the dehumanizing effects of corporate culture. On the basis of that alone I think this rarely seen musical is worth your time. Performances take place at the Gaslight Theatre, 358 North Boyle in the Central West End. For more information: or 314-968-8070.

Elise LaBarge
New Jewish Theatre presents Cabaret NJT: A Reunion of NJT Voices on Sunday, September 9, at 7:30 PM. Featured performers are Johanna Elkana-Hale, Elise LaBarge, Tim Schall, and Jeff Wright. I've seen all of these performers on stage and have worked closely with some of them. This is a fine lineup of cabaret talent and well worth your attention. The performance takes place at the JCCA, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. For more information, call 314-442-3283 or visit

Mustard Seed Theatre presents Going to See the Elephant through September 16 at the Fontbonne Fine Arts Theatre, 6800 Wydown Blvd. Deanna Jent's original production of this for the now-defunct Orange Girls company was well received. In her review for 88.1 KDHX, Andrea Braun says that she can "enthusiastically recommend you consider enjoying this engaging evening of theatre." For more information, call (314) 719-8060 or visit the web site at

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