Monday, September 03, 2012

St. Louis theatre calendar for the week of September 3, 2012

[Looking for auditions and other artistic opportunities? Check out the St. Louis Auditions site.]

For information on events beyond this week, check out the searchable database at the Regional Arts Commission's ArtsZipper site.

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R-S Theatrics presents The Adding Machine: A Musical, based on the fantasy drama by Elmer Rice, September 7 - 16. Performances take place at the Gaslight Theatre, 358 North Boyle in the Central West End. For more information: or 314-968-8070.

The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis presents Neil Simon's Brighton Beach Memoirs September 5 through 30. Performances take place on the main stage at the Loretto-Hlton Center, 130 Edgar Road in Webster Groves, MO. For more information, call 314-968-4925 or visit

The Pub Theater Company presents Bye Bye Liver: The St. Louis Drinking Play, a comedic romp through the joys and pitfalls of The Gateway to the West's favorite pastime. Performances take place on Saturdays at 9 PM at Maggie O'Brien's, 2000 Market Street. For more information, you may call 314-827-4185, email stlouis at, or visit

New Jewish Theatre presents Cabaret NJT: A Reunion of NJT Voices on Sunday, September 9, at 7:30 PM. Featured performers are Johanna Elkana-Hale, Elise LaBarge, Tim Schall, and Jeff Wright. The performance takes place at the JCCA, 2 Millstone Campus Drive. For more information, call 314-442-3283 or visit

Mustard Seed Theatre presents Going to See the Elephant through September 16 at the Fontbonne Fine Arts Theatre, 6800 Wydown Blvd. For more information, call (314) 719-8060 or visit the web site at Read the 88.1 KDHX review!

HotCity Theatre presents E. M. Lewis's Goodbye Ruby Tuesday, “a comedy about trying to explain why you have to go find yourself to people who don't want anything to change,” Thursdays through Sundays, September 7 - 22, with a preview performance on Wednesday, September 6. Performances take place at the Kranzberg Arts Center, 501 North Grand in Grand Center. For more information, visit or call 314-289-4063.

Edison Theatre Ovations! Series presents the Counterbalance Theatre adaptation of Jane Eyre on Friday and Saturday, September 7 and 8, at 8 PM. “Bronte's text serves as the jumping off point for a process of structured improvisation, with company founder Annie Loui and performers building and refining their scenes, characters and movement vocabulary collaboratively and organically.” Performances take place at Edison Theater on the Washington University campus. For more information, or call 314-935-6543.

The Puppet Guild of Greater St. Louis presents Ginny Weiss' Puppets on Hand's Jivey Jungle Tales on Friday, September 7, at 9:30 AM at Saint Louis Carousel - Faust Park, 15189 Olive Blvd. The performance is followed by a ride on the Faust Park Carousal. For more information,

KTK Productions presents the comedy Moonlight and Magnolias Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM and Sundays at 2 PM, September 7 - 16. Performances take place at Southampton Presbyterian Church, 4716 Macklind. For more information, call 314-351-8984.

Stages St. Louis presents the musical My One and Only September 7 - October 7. Performances take place in the Robert G. Reim Theatre at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 South Geyer Road in Kirkwood. For more information, visit or call 314-821-2407.

The Theatre Guild of Webster Groves presents Remember Me? Thursdays through Sundays, September 7 - 16. Performances take place in the Guild theatre at Newport and Summit in Webster Groves, MO. For more information: or call 314-962-0876.

St. Louis Writers' Group presents a reading of the new comedy Scutter Murphy's Wake by Pat Conroy on Monday, September 10, at 6:30 PM at Big Daddy's, 1000 Sidney in Soulard. There's no admission charge; refreshments and food may be purchased from restaurant. For more information, visit, call 314-865-1296, or send an e-mail to farwemar at

Clinton County Showcase presents Three One-Acts Thursday through Sunday, September 6 - 9. Performances take place at the Avon Theater, 525 North 2nd Street Breese IL. For more information, visit

The Monroe Actors Stage Company presents the musical Two by Two September 7 - 16 in the Historic Capitol Theatre in downtown Waterloo, Illinois. For more information, visit or call 618 939 7469.

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