[Looking for auditions and other artistic opportunities? Check out the St. Louis Auditions site.]
For information on events beyond this week, check out the searchable database at the Regional Arts Commission's ArtsZipper site.
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Dramatic License Productions presents The Best of Broadway September 13-15. “Join us for a ton of harmony and toe-tapping from an amazing group of vocalists as they sing and dance their way through songs from Broadway's best: Anything Goes, Rent, The Sound of Music, West Side Story, The Wiz, Wicked and Jekyll and Hyde, just to name a few! Our audiences helped choose the songs. Now come hear the music!” Performances take place at Dramatic License Theatre located at the upper level of Chesterfield Mall (near Sears and across from Houlihan's Restaurant). For more information, call 636-220-7012 or visit dramaticlicenseproductions.org.
The Monroe Actors Stage Company presents the classic comedy Born Yesterday through September 15 in the Historic Capitol Theatre in downtown Waterloo, Illinois. For more information, visit www.masctheatre.org or call 618-939-7469.
The Pub Theater Company presents Bye Bye Liver: The St. Louis Drinking Play, a comedic romp through the joys and pitfalls of The Gateway to the West's favorite pastime. Performances take place on Saturdays at 9 PM at Maggie O'Brien's, 2000 Market Street. For more information, you may call 314-827-4185, email stlouis at byebyeliver.com, or visit byebyeliver.com/stlouis.
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©Photo by Lon Brauer |
The Lemp Mansion Comedy-Mystery Dinner Theater presents Dead Like Me through November 16. The Lemp Mansion is at 3322 DeMenil Place. For more information: lempmansion.com
Alton Little Theater presents the musical satire The Drowsy Chaperone September 12-22 at 2450 North Henry in Alton, IL. For more information, call 618.462.6562 or visit altonlittletheater.org.
The Black Rep presents Ron Conner in the one-man show Emergency by Daniel Beaty Thursdas through Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM. “A slave ship emerges in front of the Statue of Liberty sending NY into a whirlwind of emotion and exploration in this explosive solo tour de force featuring slam poetry, multi-character transformation, and song. Ron Conner will portray a cast of 40 characters who all respond to the unexpected phenomenon. Through the characters' individual responses to this surreal happening and their varied testimonies on identity and personal freedom, Emergency weaves a stirring commentary on what it is to be human and the longing to be free. The performance is 80 minutes with no intermission.” Performances take place at A. E. Hotchner Studio Theatre in the Mallinckrodt Center on the Washington University campus. For more information: theblackrep.org. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
HotCity Theatre presents Joe Orton's Entertaining Mr. Sloane through September 21. “Young Mr. Sloane thought he already had a SORDID life as a hustler until he became the erotic target of his lewd landlady and her bottled-up brother! Repressed desires, power plays and an unsolved murder all make for one twisted tale!” Performances take place at the Kranzberg Arts Center, 501 North Grand in Grand Center. For more information, visit www.hotcitytheatre.org or call 314-289-4063. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
The Black Rep presents a staged reading of Christina M. Ham's Four Little Girls: Birmingham 1963 in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the bombing of The 16th Street Baptist Church. The performance takes place on Sunday, September 15t at 5 PM at Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church, 3200 Washington Avenue. The staged reading, directed by Linda Kennedy, will commemorate the precise 50th anniversary of the bombing that claimed the lives of the four little girls in Birmingham, Alabama. The reading will feature music by Charles Creath, Leslie Johnson, Karen Hylton and young people from The Black Rep Summer Performing Arts and Young Artists for Peace and Justice. For more information: www.project1voice.org.
Clinton County Showcase presents Hamlet September 12-15. Performances take place at the Avon Theater, 525 North 2nd Street Breese IL. For more information, visit ccshowcase.com.
The Theatre Guild of Webster Groves presents Alfred Uhry's The Last Night Of Ballyhoo through September 15. Performances take place in the Guild theatre at Newport and Summit in Webster Groves, MO. For more information: theatreguildwg.org or call 314-962-0876. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
The Bissell Mansion Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre presents Footless through October 31. The Bissell Mansion is at 4426 Randall Place. For more information: bissellmansiontheatre.com
Stages St. Louis presents My Fair Lady through October 6. Performances take place in the Robert G. Reim Theatre at the Kirkwood Community Center, 111 South Geyer Road in Kirkwood. For more information, visit stagesstlouis.org or call 314-821-2407.
Insight Theatre Company presents Thornton Wilder's Our Town September 12-29. Performances take place in the Heagney Theatre, 530 East Lockwood on the campus of Nerinx Hall High School in Webster Groves. For more information, call 314-556-1293 or visit insighttheatrecompany.com.

Mustard Seed Theatre presents The Purpose Project: Thao's Library, written and performed by Elizabeth Van-Meter, Thursday through Saturdas at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM. “Elizabeth comes upon a photograph of Thao, a Vietnamese woman born with life-threatening birth defects as a result of Agent Orange. Video and live performance combine to tell the story of these two unlikely friends and their remarkable collaboration.” Performances take place at the Fontbonne Fine Arts Theatre, 6800 Wydown Blvd. For more information, call (314) 719-8060 or visit the web site at www.mustardseedtheatre.com. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
Would you like to be on the radio? KDHX, 88.1 FM needs theatre reviewers. If you're 18 years or older, knowledgeable in this area, have practical theatre experience (acting, directing, writing, technical design, etc.), have good oral and written communications skills and would like to become one of our volunteer reviewers, send an email describing your experience and interests to chuck at kdhx.org. Please include a sample review of something you've seen recently.
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