[Looking for auditions and other artistic opportunities? Check out the St. Louis Auditions site.]
For information on events beyond this week, check out the searchable database at the Regional Arts Commission's ArtsZipper site.
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The Pub Theater Company presents Bye Bye Liver: The St. Louis Drinking Play, a comedic romp through the joys and pitfalls of The Gateway to the West's favorite pastime. Performances take place on Saturdays at 9 PM at Maggie O'Brien's, 2000 Market Street. For more information, you may call 314-827-4185, email stlouis at byebyeliver.com, or visit byebyeliver.com/stlouis.
The St. Louis Family Theatre Series presents the musical A Christmas Carol November 18, 23 and 24. Performances take place at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre at Parker and Waterford in Florissant, MO. For more information, call 314-921-5678 or visit www.florissantmo.com.

Slightly Askew Theatre Ensemble presents Lee Blessing's Eleemosynary Wednesdays through Saturdays through November 17. Performances take place at The Chapel Venue, 6238 Alexander Drive. For more information: slightlyoff.org. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
West County Family Y's Y-Rep Teens present The Giver Thursday through Saturday, November 15-17. Performances take place at the West County YMCA, 16464 Burkhardt Place. For more information, call (636) 532-6515 Ext. 227.
St. Louis Community College at Meramec Theatre Department presents House of Yes Wednesday through Sunday, November 14-18. Performances take place in the theatre on the campus at 11333 Big Bend Road. For more information, call 314-984-7500.
Mustard Seed Theatre presents Imaginary Jesus November 15-December 2 at the Fontbonne Fine Arts Theatre, 6800 Wydown Blvd. For more information, call (314) 719-8060 or visit the web site at www.mustardseedtheatre.com.
Clayton Community Theatre presents the comedy Lysistrata Friday and Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM. Performances take place at the Washington University South Campus Theatre. For more information, call 314-721-9228 or visit placeseveryone.org. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
The Conservatory of Theatre Arts at Webster University presents Shakespeare' s A Midsummer Night's Dream Wednesday through Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM, November 14-18. Performances take place in the Browning Mainstage Theatre at the Loretto-Hilton Center on the Webster University campus. For more information, call 314-968-7128.
Washington University Performing Arts Department presents The Night Season November 15-18. Performances take place in the Edison Theatre in the Mallinckrodt Student Center on the Washington University campus. For more information, call 314-935-6543.
Peabody Opera House presents The Radio City Christmas Spectacular starring the Rockettes through November 17. For more information, visit peabodyoperahouse.com or call 314-622-5420. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
St. Louis University Theatre presents Radium Girls through November 18. Performances take place in Xavier Hall, 3373 West Pine Mall. For more information, call (314) 977-2998 or visit www.slu.edu/theatre. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
Family Musical Theater presents A Song for Christmas II November 15-18 at the Ivory Theatre, 7622 Michigan. For more information, visit familymusical.org or call 314-448-1436.
Center Stage Theatre at St. Charles Community College presents Stepping Out Wednesday through Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM, November 14 through 18. Performances take place in the Donald D. Shook Fine Arts Building on the campus at 4601 Mid Rivers Mall Drive in Cottleville, MO. For more information, call 636-922-8050 or visit stchas.edu.
R-S Theatrics presents Suicide, Incorporated through November 18. "Jason leaves Hallmark to write for Legacy Letters a company that believes that your suicide note is the most important letter you'll ever write. What unfolds over the next 80 minutes involves side-splitting laughter, brilliant writing, Krispy Kremes, and incredible performances by an unforgettable ensemble." Performances take place at the Gaslight Theatre, 358 North Boyle. For more information: r-stheatrics.com or 314-968-8070. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
The Tesseract Theatre Company presents Kevin D. Ferguson's A Thing With Feathers Wednesday through Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 4 PM, November 14 - 18. There is a playwright meet and greet on Saturday, November 17, at 2 PM. Performances take place at the Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar (across the street from The Pageant). Visit www.tesseracttheatre.org for more info or email contact at tesseracttheatre.org.
The West End Players Guild continues their 102nd season with the St. Louis premiere of This Wide Night by Chloë Moss Thursday through Saturday at 8 PM and Sunday at 2 PM. "As the play begins, Lorraine arrives at the squalid flat that is now home to Marie. Lorraine is in her fifties and newly-released from 12 years in prison. Her cell mate and prison best friend Marie is a younger woman who served a shorter sentence and has been out for some time. As their tense and tentative reunion quickly makes clear, much more has changed in their lives than simply being able to look out an unbarred window. This Wide Night is the story of Lorraine and Marie’s struggle to determine whether the friendship they treasured in prison is even possible in the outside world, and if so to learn how to trust each other again." Performances take place at the Union Avenue Christian Church, 733 North Union at Enright in the Central West End. For more information, call 314-367-0025 or visit www.westendplayers.org. Read the 88.1 KDHX review!
The COCA Family Theatre Series presents The True Story of the Three Little PIgs Saturday and Sunday, November 17 and 18. COCA is at 524 Trinity in University City. For more information, call (314) 725-6555 or visit www.cocastl.org.
The Looking Glass Playhouse presents the drama Twelve Angry Men through November 18. Performances take place at 301 West St. Louis Street in Lebanon, Ill. For more information, visit www.lookingglassplayhouse.com.
The Florissant Fine Arts Council presents The Water Coolers on Saturday, November 17, at 8 PM. The Water Coolers is “a 'laugh-out-loud' musical comedy about the things we share around the water coolers of America everyday: life, work, kids, travel, technology and trying to balance it all.” Performances take place at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre at Parker and Waterford in Florissant. For more information, call 314-921-5678.
Mariposa Artists presents Women Under the Influence on Saturday, November 17, at 8 PM. “Women Under the Influence includes St. Louis cabaret singers Katie McGrath and Debbie Schuster, and features the former Jasmine duo Michele Isam and Carol Schmidt. With a soulful, strong and sultry style, their uplifting harmonies bring new interpretations of their girl-group musical influences, from LaBelle to Adele. Join them for songs of passion, romance, betrayal, survival and joy.” The performance takes place at Joe Buck's Showroom 1000 Clark, downtown. A portion of the evening's proceeds will be donated to Places For People. For more information: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/281908 or check out my blog post at KDHX.
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