For information on events beyond this week, check out the searchable database at the Regional Arts Commission's events web site.
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First Run Theatre presents the drama The Bones of Malcom Madcuff by Davd Hawley Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM and Sundays at 2 PM, July 10-19. "When impecunious medical student Frank takes rooms overlooking the cemetery with Victor, he and his very modern fiancée Miriam, are unaware of the macabre sideline in that Victor is running with his shady business partner, Malcolm MacDuff. When Miriam's redoubtable mother, Mrs. Forbes, decides to provide a little assistance to Frank's studies, an anatomical skeleton needs to be procured. But when Malcolm pushes things too far, he looks like taking the blame for both himself and Victor, something he is not likely to forgive. Investigating officer, Sergeant Moscrop of the Edinburgh, police has dealt with all manner of criminals, but he's never dealt with a felon like this before. Is Victor haunted by more than just memories?" Performances take place at De Smet Jesuit High School Theatre 233 N. New Ballas Rd. For more information, call (314) 352-5114 or visit
The Randy Dandies presents Burlesque Bingo on Thursdays, beginning on July 9, from 9 to 11 p.m. "As anyone who frequents the bingo parlors knows, the facade of genteel decorum drops once the first game is won. The first cry of "Bingo!" fires up the blood something fierce, and all bets are off from that point forward. Now, imagine what would happen if you throw semi-clad young women into the mix - Ok, now stop imagining. The Randy Dandies present Burlesque Bingo from 9pm to 11:30 pm on Thursdays, and and it promises all the thrills of cutthroat bingo, with the added titillation of local burlesque performers and specialty variety acts plus silly prizes." The show takes place at Meyer's Grove, 4510 Manchester in the Grove neighborhood. For more information:
Clinton County Showcase presents Disney's Mulan Jr. July 9-12. "After failing to impress the village matchmaker, it seems as though Mulan has brought dishonor to the Fa family. When her father is called to serve in the Emperor's Imperial army, Mulan decides to take matters into her own hands and disguises herself as a boy in order to serve in her father's place. As she trains and fights for the army, Mulan must keep her gender a secret or else she will bring dishonor to her family and face the penalty of death. In the end, Mulan is able to save China and bring honor to the Fa family." Performances take place at the Avon Theater, 525 North 2nd Street Breese IL. For more information, visit
Union Avenue Opera presents Mozart's Don Giovanni Fridays and Saturdays at 8 PM, July 10-18. Performances take place at the Union Avenue Christian Church, 733 Union at Enright in the Central West End. The opera is sung in Italian with projected English text. For more information, visit or call 314-361-2881.
Family Musical Theater presents the Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice's musical Evita July 10-19. "Evita concentrates on the life of Argentine political leader Eva Perón, the second wife of Argentine president Juan Perón. The story follows Evita's early life, rise to power, charity work, and eventual death. The musical began as a rock opera concept album released in 1976. Its success led to productions in London's West End in 1978, winning the Laurence Olivier Award for Best Musical, and on Broadway a year later, where it was the first British musical to receive the Tony Award for Best Musical." A portion of the proceeds from the performances of "Evita" will benefit Support Dogs, Inc., a St. Louis-based non-profit that provides service dogs and pet therapy to those in need in St. Louis and nationwide. Performances take place at the Ivory Theatre, 7622 Michigan. For more information, visit or call 314-571-9579.
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The Fantasticks |
The Lemp Mansion Comedy-Mystery Dinner Theater presents A Fistful Of Hollers through August 29. The Lemp Mansion is at 3322 DeMenil Place. For more information:
The Midnight Company presents Joe Hanrahan in Connor McPherson's one-character one-act play The Good Thief, in rotating repertory with McPherson'sSt. Nicholas July 11-25. The performances take place at Herbie's Vintage 72, 405 N. Euclid in the Central West End. A special pre/post-theatre menu will be available before or after the show, cocktails will be available for the performance, and live music will follow Sunday performances. For more information:
Holiday Inn |
The Muny presents Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn nightly at 8:15 PM, July 6-12, in the outdoor theatre in Forest Park. "Happy holidays - all of them! Irving Berlin's Holiday Inn comes to joyous and extravagant life on the Muny stage. A Muny premiere, this will be only the second production in the world of this new musical based upon the beloved 1942 film. With thrilling dance numbers and lively comedy, this wonderful new show features Irving Berlin classics like "Easter Parade," "Steppin' Out With My Baby," "Shakin' The Blues Away," "Be Careful, It's My Heart," and more!" For more information, visit or call 314-361-1900.
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Lavonne Beyers as Sister George Photo: David Sanford |
The Bissell Mansion Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre presents Mayhem In Mayberry through July 26. The Bissell Mansion is at 4426 Randall Place. For more information:
St. Louis Actors' Studio presents the Neil LaBute New Theater Festival, Part 1 July10 - 19 at the Gaslight Theatre, 358 North Boyle. The festival features professional, new and previously unproduced one-act plays 45 minutes or less in length, chosen from submissions to the festival over the previous year. The plays in Part 1 are “Kandahar” by Neil LaBute; “Cold in Hand”; “Custom” by Mark Young; “A Taste of Heaven” by Chris Holbrook; “Stand Up for Oneself” by Lexi Wolfe; and “A Stranger Here Myself” by Rich Orloff. For more information, call 314-458-2978 or visit
The Midnight Company presents Joe Hanrahan in Connor McPherson's one-character one-act play St. Nicholas in rotating repertory with McPherson's The Good Thief, July 10-26. The performances take place at Herbie's Vintage 72, 405 N. Euclid in the Central West End. A special pre/post-theatre menu will be available before or after the show, cocktails will be available for the performance, and live music will follow Sunday performances. For more information:
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Summer Showbiz presents Shrek the Musical opening Wednesday, July 10, and running through July 19. Performances take place in the Dunham Hall theater on the campus in Edwardsville, IL. For more information, call 618-650-2774 or visit
Hard Road Theatre Productions presents the original musical Zombie Prom Thursday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m., July 9-12. "Set in the fabulous 1950s, ZOMBIE PROM is the tale of a sweet teenage girl named Toffee and her rebel-without-a-cause boyfriend, Jonny. The two meet at Enrico Fermi High School and fall in love, but Principal Delilah Strict intervenes and persuades Toffee to break up with Jonny for her own good. Tortured by his betrayed love, Johnny drives his motorcycle to a nearby nuclear power plant and flings himself inside a cooling tower. Toffee mourns the loss of her love, but Jonny returns in an altered state, professes his love, and promises to take Toffee to the prom if she'll have him. As Toffee finds herself torn between being with her love and living a "normal" life, Principal Strict deals with the dilemma and chaos that Johnny's return brings to the school and threatens to cancel the senior prom." Performances will be held at Highland High School Kennel, 12760 Troxler Avenue in Highland, IL. For more information:
Would you like to be on the radio? KDHX, 88.1 FM needs theatre reviewers. If you're 18 years or older, knowledgeable in this area, have practical theatre experience (acting, directing, writing, technical design, etc.), have good oral and written communications skills and would like to become one of our volunteer reviewers, send an email describing your experience and interests to chuck at Please include a sample review of something you've seen recently.
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