Thursday, December 13, 2018

Chuck's Choices for the weekend of December 14, 2018

New this week: the return of a classic musical at the Fox, an outrageous Biblical satire at Stray Dog, a darkly comic tale of 1950s repression from R-S, and the Gateway Men's Chorus annual holiday show.

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New This Week:

Les Misérables
The Fabulous Fox Theatre presents the Broadway musical Les Misérables Tuesday through Sunday, December 11 - 16. "Winner of over 100 international awards and seen by over 65 million people worldwide, Les Misérables is an epic and uplifting story about the survival of the human spirit. " The Fabulous Fox Theatre in on N. Grand in Grand Center. For more information:

My take: To quote my review of the 2012 visit of this 25th-anniversary production: From the opening prisoners' chorus through the sublime finale three hours later, the show's canny combination of a conventional but memorable score, compelling characters and situations (the source is, after all, a literary classic), and fluid staging (made even more so by the projected video) grabs and holds your attention and emotions. It remains, in my view, one of the most effective pieces of musical theatre of the late 20th century. It's also a powerful refutation of smug self-righteousness and laissez-faire ruthlessness, both of which have been poisoning domestic political discourse for many years. Go see it.

The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told
Photo by John Lamb
Stray Dog Theatre presents The Most Fabulous Story Ever Told Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 pm through December 22. There will also be a show at 8 pm on Wednesday, December 19. "First men on earth Adam and Steve and their lesbian friends Jane and Mabel decide to start civilization, despite the provocative challenges of procreation. They are led by the stage manager (who may be God) through the Garden of Eden, the Great Flood, a visit with a highly rambunctious Pharaoh, and finally, the birth of the Messiah. This outlandish comedy is a perfect alternative holiday treat!" Performances take place at The Tower Grove Abbey, 2336 Tennessee. For more information, visit or call 314-865-1995.

My take: Looking for something a bit more adult in the way of holiday theatre? Stray Dog has your ticket. It's an audacious, bright comedy that recasts the Old Testament story of Adam and Eve with Adam and Steve," writes Paul Friswold at The Riverfront Times, "but it's more than a cheeky romp through the Bible. Director Justin Been's vision for the show emphasizes the humanity of Rudnick's script, ensuring that this is a Christmas story with love and faith at the heart of it."

Perfect Arrangement
Photo by Michael Young
R-S Theatrics presents Perfect Arrangement Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays a 7 pm through December 23. "Government employees Bob and Norma are given the job of rooting out 'sexual deviants' in the U.S. State Department during the Cold War. The only problem? Both are in sham marriages to hide their own homosexuality. Told in the style of a classic TV sitcom and set during the Lavender Scare that actually took place in the 1950's, Topher Payne's play asks how far you would go to protect yourself if it meant sacrificing others." Performances take place at black box theatre at The Marcelle, 3310 Samuel Shepard Dr. in Grand Center. For more information:

My take: In his review at STL Today, Calvin Wilson calls this "a smart, engaging and provocative comedy-drama that sheds light on just how different things were in America not so long ago." "Perfect Arrangement," writes Richard Green at Talkin' Broadway, "unfolds in a very tidy, logical manner—with government personnel files that go missing, and incriminating love letters that resurface from long ago. It's an irresistible glimpse into a chapter of American history we might otherwise be tempted to forget." I have come to the conclusion that anybody who thinks the 1950s were great either didn't live through them, or did so with blinders on. Topher Payne's play is a reminder that nostalgia is like a grammar lesson: it thinks the present tense and the past perfect.

The Gateway Men's Chorus presents 'Twas the Night on Friday and Saturday, December 14 and 15, at 8 p.m. "GMC's holiday program this year promises a great mix of traditional classics, family favorites, and timeless music of reflection and joy at this special season. Your evening will include popular standards you know by heart, but we also have performances that will pique your interest such as the hilarious Hanukkah in Santa Monica, and of course, 'Twas the Night Before Christmas." The concert takes place at Union Avenue Christian Church, 733 Union at Enright in the Central West End. For more information:

My take: The Gateway Men's Chorus has been a local cultural treasure for three decades now, and deserves our support. And with darkness seemingly pressing in on us from all sides these days, we can certainly use a celebration of light and life. Besides, they're going to perform a Tom Lehrer song.

Held Over:

All is Calm
Photo by Ann K. Aurbach
Mustard Seed Theatre presents the acappella musical All is Calm Thursdays through Sundays through December 16. "Join us in celebrating the power of peace in this acapella musical based on the true story of soldiers during World War I who for one night, put down their arms and played soccer instead of exchanging bullets." Performances take place at the Fontbonne Fine Arts Theatre, 6800 Wydown Blvd. For more information, call (314) 719-8060 or visit the web site at

My take: All is Calm has become an annual winter tradition at Mustard Seed. With a script by Peter Rothstein and musical arrangements by Erick Lichte and Timothy C. Takach, this story of the remarkable Christmas truce of 1914—a spontaneous outbreak of peace that occurred at multiple points along the trenches in France—combines splendid and often quite complex acappella singing with readings of letters from soldiers and other historical documents. At a time when opportunistic politicians are pushing an agenda of hate, fear, and eternal war, this is a play that everyone needs to see. As we used to ask back in the 1960s, "what if they gave a war and nobody came?

A Christmas Story
Photo by Jerry Naunheim, Jr.
The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis presents A Christmas Story, based on the movie by Jean Shepherd, through December 23. "Ralphie Parker's quest to get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas returns to The Rep in all its heartwarming and hilarious glory. Filled with delightful holiday vignettes and endlessly quotable lines ("You'll shoot your eye out!"), this play is the perfect gift for the whole family to enjoy. See the classic movie brought to life on stage!" Performances take place on the mainstage at the Loretto-Hlton Center, 130 Edgar Road in Webster Groves, MO. For more information, call 314-968-4925 or visit

My take: The film on which this show is based has always been a favorite of mine, as is the autobiographical Jean Shepherd novel In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash, that was the basis for the movie. The Rep last produced this fine stage adaptation back in 2009, so this revival is welcome. The acting is quite good, produciton values are first rate, and the changes in the script since 2009 have tightened and improved it, in my view. Give yourself a Major Award and see the show.

Photo by Johh Lamb
St. Louis Actors' Studio presents Tribes Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 3 pm through December 16. "Billy was born deaf into a hearing family. He was raised inside its fiercely idiosyncratic and politically incorrect cocoon. He has adapted brilliantly to his family's unconventional ways, but they've never bothered to return the favor. It's not until he meets Sylvia, a young woman on the brink of deafness, that he finally understands what it means to be understood." Performances take place at the Gaslight Theatre, 358 North Boyle. For more information call 314-458-2978 or visit

My take: At Ladue News, Mark Bretz writes that this is "a sizzling presentation of Nina Raine’s searing drama about a bruising family where impulses are acted out and thoughts of any kind are expressed with nary a concern for hurt feelings. Tribes is an extraordinary play brilliantly interpreted by director Annamaria Pileggi and her first-rate cast." At lot of theatre at this time of year is all about the holidays. Kudos to STLAS for choosing to present something more weighty.

Metro Theatre Company presents Wonderland: Alice's Rock and Roll Adventure through December 30th. "Part rock concert, part theater, all of your favorite characters as Metro Theater Company presents this new, wild and wondrous take on Lewis Carroll's beloved, poetic tale of self-actualization. A cast of actors/musicians plays an eclectic mix of everything from soul and rock to punk to ska as Alice chases through Wonderland in search of her own inner musical voice. A fun, hip, and refreshing fusion of music, theatre and poetry, Wonderland: Alice's Rock and Roll Adventure is the search for one's authentic self, asking how can you march to the beat of your own drummer when you're still writing the song? It places Alice in a strange, new world, where she conquers her fears and uses her musical skills to defeat the Jabberwock." The performance takes place at the Grandel Theatre, 3610 Grandel Square in Grand Center. For more information:

My take: Lewis Carroll's characters have been through so many revisions and re-interpretations over the years that this new rock musical version hardly seems unusual at all. At Ladue News, Mark Bretz calls it a "festive, musical adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s beloved stories, updated with a modern message and ‘happening’ music which makes for a frolic-filled production." The cast includes KDHX theatre critic Shannon Cothran as well as the exceptionally talented Omega Jones. And as an added bonus, it has nothing to do with Christmas.

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