Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chuck's Choices for the weeked of September 13, 2012

As always, the choices are purely my personal opinion. Take with a grain (or a shaker) of salt.

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New this week:

The Presenters Dolan present a return engagement of Ken Haller's The TV Show, featuring themes from classic TV shows. Al Fischer is music director for the show, which takes place Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15, at the Kranzberg Center, 501 North Grand in Grand Center. In my review of the original producion this past June, I described the show as "a very clever idea smartly executed" and that it was, on the whole, "a tremendously entertaining and often extremely funny romp through TV land." For more information, visit

Held over:

R-S Theatrics presents The Adding Machine: A Musical, based on the fantasy drama by Elmer Rice, through September 16. The original Expressionist play has some profound things to say about the dehumanizing effects of corporate culture. On the basis of that alone I think this rarely seen musical is worth your time. Performances take place at the Gaslight Theatre, 358 North Boyle in the Central West End. For more information: or 314-968-8070.

Mustard Seed Theatre presents Going to See the Elephant through September 16 at the Fontbonne Fine Arts Theatre, 6800 Wydown Blvd. Deanna Jent's original production of this for the now-defunct Orange Girls company was well received. In her review for 88.1 KDHX, Andrea Braun says that she can "enthusiastically recommend you consider enjoying this engaging evening of theatre." For more information, call (314) 719-8060 or visit the web site at

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