Sunday, February 17, 2013

TPTBT (The Place to Be Tonight): Sunday, February 17

Two recommendations: one for this afternoon and one for tonight.

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This afternoon:

The Missouri History Museum presents Merit, Not Sympathy, Wins: The Life and Times of Blind Boone, a lecture by Mary Collins Barile and Christine Montgomery, today at 1 PM and again on Monday, February 18, at 11 AM. “In post-Reconstruction America, John William "Blind" Boone, an illiterate, itinerant musician, overcame obstacles created by disability, exploitative managers, and racial prejudice to become one of the country’s most beloved concert performers. The story of Blind Boone is revitalized in this annotated edition of Melissa Fuell-Cuther’s out-of-print biography Blind Boone: His Life and Achievements, accompanied by essays describing the Missouri environment in which the artist lived, his place within the landscape of American music, and his achievements.”  The free event takes place in the ATT Foundation Multipurpose Room.

This evening:

Childgrove Country Dancers and The Monday Club present a Waltz Party from 7 to 10 PM. The evening consists of “a one-hour workshop followed by two hours of dancing to live music. About 2/3 of the dances are waltzes, with the others being a mix of polka, tango, schottisch, hambo or ragtime. No partner or experience is necessary. Please wear or bring soft soled shoes.” We’ve been to some of the contra dancing evenings at the club and it’s not only fun, it’s good exercise. The Monday Club is at Maple and Cedar in Webster Groves.

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