Actually two places: one for this afternoon and one for this evening.
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This afternoon:
Winter Opera St. Louis presents Douglas Moore's
The Ballad of Baby Doe at 3 PM. This remarkable American opera enjoyed quite a vogue back in the 1960s when Beverly Sills made the title role something of a signature piece. I haven't seen it for decades, so I'm looking forward to this production. Performances take place at The Skip Viragh Center for the Arts at Chaminade College Preparatory School, 425 S. Lindbergh. For more information, visit
This evening:
Photo by John Lamb |
New Jewish Theater presents David Mamet's
Speed-the-Plow through February 24 (today's shows are at 2 and 7:30 PM. “Revived on Broadway in 2008, this Tony nominated play by David Mamet (out nation's foremost master of the language of moral epilepsy) is a hilarious and chilling satire of Hollywood and a culture as corrupt as the society it claims to reflect. The acid-etched portrait of greedy, foul-mouthed Hollywood players follows Bobby Gould, the newly appointed Head of Production at a major studio as he struggles to understand the contest and morality of life.” Say what you will about Mamet, he wrote some pretty snappy dialog before he became just another resentful old white guy. Performances take place in the Marvin and Harlene Wool Studio Theater at the Jewish Community Center, 2 Millstone Campus Drive in Creve Coeur. For more information: or call 314-442-3283.
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