Sunday, March 24, 2013

St. Louis theatre calendar for the week of March 25, 2013

[Looking for auditions and other artistic opportunities? Check out the St. Louis Auditions site.]

For information on events beyond this week, check out the searchable database at the Regional Arts Commission's ArtsZipper site.

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Moonlighting Theatre presents the 24-Hour Play Festival Friday and Saturday at 7 PM, March 29 and 30. Performances take place at the Regional Arts Commission, 6128 Delmar. For more information, visit

©Photo by Eric Woolsey
The Imaginary Theatre Company and the Missouri History Museum present Annie Oakley through March 30. “ Yee Haw! In 1800s America, a woman doesn't have much of a shot at fame, but that won't stop Annie Oakley. Delighting thousands with her talent as a sharp shooter in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, the "Little Sure Shot" dazzles the likes of President Cleveland and Queen Victoria, while showing everyone exactly what a woman is capable of. Follow Annie's adventures in this rootin' tootin' trip through American history as she lifts her family from poverty with her skill and shows everyone that she's 'just as good as any man.'” Performances take place at The Missouri History Museum in Foreset Park. For more information:

The Pub Theater Company presents Bye Bye Liver: The St. Louis Drinking Play, a comedic romp through the joys and pitfalls of The Gateway to the West's favorite pastime. Performances take place on Saturdays at 9 PM at Maggie O'Brien's, 2000 Market Street. For more information, you may call 314-827-4185, email stlouis at, or visit

OnSite Productions presents Childcare by Margaret Stamell Fridays at 8 PM and Saturdays at 5 and 8 PM, March 29 – April 13. Performances take place at Downtown Children’s Center, 607 North 22nd Street. For more information, visit or call 314-686-0062.

©Photo by Jerry Naunheim, Jr.
The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis presents Double Indemnity, based on James M. Cain's 1930s noir thriller, through April 7. “Is it possible to commit the perfect crime? The beautiful and seductive Phillis Nirlinger is willing to try. Aided by smitten insurance agent Walter Huff, Phyllis sets out to murder her husband and collect on a giant insurance claim. Caught in the femme fatale's sinister web of guilt and betrayal, Huff finds himself on a deadly journey that may be more than he bargained for.” Performances take place at the Loretto-Hlton Center, 130 Edgar Road in Webster Groves, MO. For more information, call 314-968-4925 or visit Read the 88.1 KDHX review!

First Run Theatre presents a staged reading of Joan of Arc the Musical, with book and music by Mario Farwell and music by Aaron Latina, Friday through Sunday, March 29-31, at 8 PM. Performances take place at The Chapel, 6238 Alexander Drive. For more information email info at, or visit

The Lemp Mansion Comedy-Mystery Dinner Theater presents Murder in Mayberry through April 27. The Lemp Mansion is at 3322 DeMenil Place. For more information:

The Bissell Mansion Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre presents Nursery Crimes through April 30th. The Bissell Mansion is at 4426 Randall Place. For more information:

The Conservatory of Theatre Arts at Webster University presents The Pig Iron People Friday through Sunday, March 29-31. Performances take place in the Emerson Studio Theatre at the Loretto-Hilton Center on the Webster University campus. For more information, call 314-968-7128.

The Black Rep presents The Whipping Man by Matthew Lopez through April 13. “Just after the Civil War in Virginia during Passover, a wounded Confederate Officer returns to a ruined plantation to find only two former slaves to care for him. With a new and different social order, the three men must wrestle with the ties that bind them together and the secrets they share. A test of humanity and their Jewish faith.” Performances take place at the Grandel Theatre, 3610 Grandel Square. For more information, visit or call 314-534-3810.  Read the 88.1 KDHX review!

Mariposa Artists presents Women Under the Influence on Saturday, March 30, at 8 PM, with a cash bar available starting at 7 PM. “Women Under the Influence includes St. Louis cabaret singers Katie McGrath and Debbie Schuster, and features the former Jasmine duo Michele Isam and Carol Schmidt. With a soulful, strong and sultry style, their uplifting harmonies bring new interpretations of their girl-group musical influences, from LaBelle to Adele. Join them for songs of passion, romance, betrayal, survival and joy.” The performance takes place at Joe Buck's Showroom 1000 Clark, downtown. A portion of the evening's proceeds will be donated to Places For People. For more information:

Would you like to be on the radio? KDHX, 88.1 FM needs theatre reviewers. If you're 18 years or older, knowledgeable in this area, have practical theatre experience (acting, directing, writing, technical design, etc.), have good oral and written communications skills and would like to become one of our volunteer reviewers, send an email describing your experience and interests to chuck at Please include a sample review of something you've seen recently.

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