Wednesday, March 06, 2013

TPTBT (The Place to Be Tonight): Wednesday, March 6

Wonder Woman's
latest incarnation
Two different events this time.  You could easily do both.

What: WONDER WOMEN! The Untold Story of American Superheroines
Where: The Lee Auditorium at The Missouri History Museum
When: 6 PM
Why: I haven't seen the film, but the title alone is enough to recommend it, at least for an old comic-book fan like yours truly. The evening starts at 6 with hands-on activities and photo booth, followed by the film at 7. The film is a "look at how popular representations of powerful women often reflect society’s anxieties about women’s liberation" and is followed by a panel discussion. For more information: info at

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Sidney Paget's Holmes
What: A Study in Sherlock book discussion
Where: St. Louis Public Library Central Branch Book Club Room
When: 4:30-5:30 PM
Why: Not only am I an old comic-book fan, I'm also a vintage Sherlockian who has read the Holmesian Canon more times than I can count.  The discussion includes background information on Conan Doyle (a.k.a. "The Literary Agent" to Sherlockians, who know that Dr. Watson really wrote all those stories and novels) and context for the Victorian Era.  For more information: 314-539-0370

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