Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TPTBT (The Place to Be Tonight): Tuesday, March 19

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What: War Horse
Where: The Fox Theatre
When: Tonight at 8 through Sunday
Why:"This powerfully moving and imaginative drama, filled with stirring music and songs, is a show of phenomenal inventiveness that is currently playing to packed houses in London, New York and Toronto. At its heart are astonishing life-sized puppets created by South Africa’s Handspring Puppet Company, that bring to life breathing, galloping, charging horses strong enough for men to ride." The show is also a powerful indictment of the insanity and brutality of mechanized warfare. We saw this in London last fall and were very much impressed. In his review for 88.1 KDHX, Steve Callahan describes War Horse as "visually and aurally stunning." For more information: fabulousfox.com.

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